Heroes, Abilities, and Items
The Defender’s abilities are powered by Rage. He starts with
no Rage, gains 2 Rage whenever he is damaged by a monster’s ability. The
Defender loses 1 Rage at the end of every turn.
The Defender also makes a Sentry Attack (SA) against the 1st
hostile unit that moves adjacent to him on the monster turn, or starts adjacent
to him and attempts to move away. This attack deals the damage of a Strike
without Rage, and ends the unit’s movement (the unit stops where it is).
Health: 30, +5/lvl
Speed: 8
Vision: 6
Starting Rage: 0
Maximum Rage: 20
- Shield: +% Damage Reduction (initial 25%, and
three +5% upgrades)
- Helm: +% Chance of 1 bonus Rage when damaged
(initial 0%, three +5% upgrades))
- Sword: +% Chance of 1 bonus Rage when damaging
Spiders (initial 50%, three +33% upgrades (150% would mean 50% chance 1
rage, 50% chance of 2))
Strike: Targets a hostile unit in an adjacent square.
Deals D damage to that unit. If the Defender has Rage available, it uses up V
Rage and deals B bonus damage. Has a C% chance of dealing M times as much
damage. D=3, V=1, B=2, C=5%, M=2.0
- B increases (+1, +1)
- C increases (+5%)
- M increases (+1, +1)
Protect: No target, costs no Rage. Until the
beginning of the next player turn, the 4 tiles adjacent to the Defender are
“protected”. During the monster turn, the next N times an allied unit in a
protected tile would take damage, the Defender takes it instead. Further, the
Defender receives a D% bonus to his damage reduction to any damage he takes
(both directed at protected tiles and directed at him. D=10%, N=3
- D increases (+5%, +5%)
- Gain a C% chance of counterattacking (at a non-rage
Strike) any melee attack directed at the Defender, or any attack that
triggers Protect. (C=10%, C=20%)
- Gain R rage the first time Protect is triggered. (R=1)
Stun: Targets a hostile unit in an adjacent square.
Deals no damage, costs V Rage, and has a C% chance to stun normal monsters for
1 turn, and P% chance to stun elites for 1 turn. C=100, P=25, V=5
- C increases (chance to stun for multiple turns) (+50%,
+50%, +50%)
- If stun fails on an elite, it is Slowed (speed is reduced
to 2) for 1 turn
- If stun fails on an elite, it is Crippled (deals only 50%
of its normal damage) for 1 turn.
Rally: Targets an ally within R spaces, and heals
that unit for H health at a cost of V Rage. R=1, H=4, V=3
- H increases (+1, +1)
- Heals B extra health if the Defender is the target of
Rally (B=2)
- R increases (+3)
- P% chance each to also heal allied units within 3 spaces
of the target for H. (P=50%)
Charge: Targets an empty tile exactly S spaces away
that the Defender could reach in S steps if allowed to pass through enemies
(but still following other movement rules). The Defender expends V rage to
“charge” to the target tile, dealing D damage each enemy on the path to the
target tile (up to S-2 enemies). S=3, V=6, D=7.
- D increases (+1, +1)
- (W) Can pass through unwalkable tiles when charging (but
not end on them).
- (K) Can now also target tiles that are occupied by hostile
units, if there is a farther away (S+1 spaces) empty tile adjacent to that
target tile. The Defender charges to that tile, and knocks the enemy back
to a random farther adjacent tile.
- Also deals D damage to the knocked back enemy
The Healer’s abilities are powered by Spirit. He starts with
5 Spirit, and expends Spirit to cast spells. The Healer also loses 1 Spirit
when damaged. The Healer gains 5 Spirit whenever a new room of the dungeon is
The Healer hovers off the ground, allowing him to move
through and occupy unwalkable tiles.
Health: 20, +4/lvl
Speed: 7
Vision: 6
Starting Spirit: 5
Maximum Spirit: 20
- Staff: +Chance 1 extra Spirit for new rooms
(initial 0%, three +50% upgrades)
- Robe: +Resist Stun/Fear (initial 25%, three +10%
- Talisman: +% Damage to Skeletons with healing
(initial 50% of heal strength, three +50% upgrades)
Heal: Targets a friendly unit within R spaces, and
expends S spirit to heal H health to that unit. R=4, S=1, H=5
- H increases (+1, +1)
- R increases (+3)
- (M) Monsters are not considered impenetrable for Cure’s
- Removes negative status effects from the unit.
Smite: Targets an adjacent hostile, and deals D
damage to it. Expends no Spirit. D=2.
- Range increases to 2
- Knocks the target back 3 tiles if possible.
- Knocks the target back 6 tiles if possible
- Has a C% chance to cause Fear for 1 turn (C=10%, C=20%)
Fear: Targets a hostile unit within R spaces, and
expends S spirit to cause that unit to flee in terror for T turns. Fear is
broken by damage, stun, slow, feeble, or poison. Stunned units cannot be
feared. Has a 25% chance of working on elites. R=3, S=2, T=2
- R increases (+3)
- T increases (+1)
- P% chance to fear enemies adjacent to the target. (P=25%)
- P% chance to fear enemies in a 3x3 area centered at the
target. (P=25%)
- Monsters are not considered impenetrable for Fear’s range.
Restore: Targets a friendly unit within R spaces, and
expends S spirit to heal H health to that unit. R=5, S=3, H=12
- H increases (+2, +2, +2)
- R increases (+5)
- Removes negative status effects from the unit.
Shield: Targets a tile within R spaces, and expends S
spirit. Grants H temporary health points to all allied units in a 13-tile diamond
around the target. The temporary health points are lost first when damage is
taken, and all remaining temporary health points disappear after T turns.
Damage dealt only to the Healer’s temporary health points does not incur Spirit
loss. R=3, S=4, H=8, T=3.
- R increases (+3)
- H increases (+2, +2)
- Area increases to 25 tile diamond
- T increases (+2)
Restore: Targets a tile within R spaces. Expends S Spirit to heal all
friendly units in a 13-tile diamond around the target for H health. R=3, S=4, H=5
- R increases (+2, +2)
- H increases (+1)
- Removes stun effects from the unit
- Area increases to 25 tile diamond.
The Archer’s attacks (except Longshot) use up a limited
supply of special arrows associated with each attack. All of the Archers
attacks have a minimum range of 3. The Archer can attack tiles that are not in
party vision, provided they are within range. Those attacks connect with the
first impenetrable tile in their paths, and affect the tile accordingly. If an
attack connects with a tile less than 3 spaces away, it deals no damage.
Health: 25, +4/lvl
Speed: 7
Vision: 6
Starting Arrows: 8
Maximum Arrows: 20 (irrelevant)
- Bow: +Damage all arrows (initial 0, three +1
- Quiver: +Max Arrows (initial 8, three +1 upgrades)
- Gloves: +% Chance instant kill vs. Drakes (initial
10%, three +5% upgrades)
Longshot: Targets a tile at any range (at least 3).
Deals D damage, but that damage is reduced by W at ranges greater than 6. Has a
C% chance of dealing M times as much damage. D=5, W=2, C=5, M=2.0
- D increases (+1)
- Diminishing damage is eliminated (always deals D damage)
- C increases (+5%, +5%)
- M increases (+1)
Piercing Shot: Targets a tile within R spaces (at
least 3). Expends 1 Piercing Arrow to deal Longshot’s damage to each of up to N
targets in the flight path. If the Piercing Shot hits a target less than 3
spaces away, it fails entirely. R=6, N=3.
- Deals B bonus damage to the last target hit. B=3
- R increases (+2, +2)
- N increases to infinity.
- Grants the critical hit chance and damage of Longshot.
Fire Shot: Targets a tile within R spaces (at least
3). Expends 1 Fire Arrow to deal D additional (to Longshot’s) damage, and
provide a light source at the destination tile that has vision radius V and
lasts T turns. After T/2 turns, the vision decays to V/2. D=4, R=8, V=3, T=3.
- D increases (+1, +1, +1)
- V and T increase (to 5,5)
- Range increase (+3)
Force Shot: Targets a tile within R spaces (at least
3). Expends 1 Force Arrow to deal D additional (to Longshot’s) damage to a
target, and knock it backwards K tiles. If the target is prevented from moving
the full K tiles, it is dealt I impact damage. R=6, D=2, K=3, I=2
- D increases (+1)
- K increases (+3)
- Minimum range decreases to 1.
- I increases (+2, +2)
Rapid Shot: Targets a tile within R spaces (at least
3). Expends M random arrows to strike the target M times at Longshot’s base
damage. R=5, M=3 (N has been removed for programming clarity)
- R increases (+2)
- M increases (to 4)
- Grants the critical hit chance and damage of Longshot
- Grants a C% chance each of also striking enemies adjacent
to the target tile once. (C=25%)
- Grants a P% chance of expending 1 less special arrow.
(P=50%). Note: This means that M-1 arrows may be expended.
The Assassin’s abilities are powered by Shadow. The
Assassin’s abilities are powered by Shadow. She starts with full Shadow, but
upon entering stealth mode starts losing Shadow rapidly – each space moved
depletes 1 Shadow, and each turn elapsed depletes 1 Shadow. Upon executing an
ability from stealth mode, she uses up her remaining Shadow, with the
effectiveness of the ability increasing with the amount of Shadow left. She
then leaves stealth mode. If her Shadow power runs out while in stealth mode,
she leaves stealth mode.
When in stealth mode, the Assassin is totally invisible to
monsters. She can pass through enemies, cannot be targeted, and isn’t hit by
ranged attacks passing through her tile (is considered Penetrable by enemy
ranged abilities). But any monster attempting to enter her tile will blocked at
that point, and will force her out of stealth mode.
When not in Stealth Mode, the Assassin regenerates 10 Shadow
at the start of each turn.
Opening a door or chest forces the Assassin out of stealth
Health: 20, +3/lvl
Speed: 8
Vision: 6 (+1)
Starting Shadow: 20
Maximum Shadow: 20
- Boots: +% Chance to Dodge (take no damage)
(initial 5%, three +5% upgrades)
- Mask: +Vision (initial +1, three +1 upgrades)
- Dagger: +%Damage vs. Ogres (initial +50%, three
+33% upgrades)
Stab: Targets an adjacent enemy, and can be used in
or out of stealth mode. Deals D damage plus X times Shadow expended. Has a C%
chance to deal M times more damage. D=5, X=0.4, C=15%, M=1.5
- D increases (+1)
- X increases (+0.1, +0.1)
- C increases (+10%)
- M increases (+0.5)
Stealth: The Assassin enters stealth mode, becoming
invisible to monsters. Depletes S Shadow per space moved, and T Shadow per Turn
elapsed. S=1, T=1.
- M bonus to Speed while stealthed (M=1)
- The Assassin deals D damage to an enemy that reveals her
by moving into her square. (D=5, D=10)
- The Assassin gains B Shadow back immediately after it has
been depleted by a stealth attack. (B=3, B=6).
Poison: Targets an adjacent enemy. Only usable from
stealth mode, depletes remaining Shadow. Deals D + X per Shadow expended damage
to the target, spread across T turns. Also has a C% chance to instantly kill
non-elites. Poison damage occurs at the beginning of each monster turn. D=10,
X=1.0, T=4, C=5%
- C increases (+5%, +5%)
- The last two turns of damage are compressed into one turn
(the T-1st turn)
- Grants a P% chance to Slow (reduce speed to 2) units for 1
- Grants an R% chance to Cripple (reduce damage to 50%) units
for 1 turn.
Assassinate: Targets an adjacent enemy. Only usable from stealth mode,
depletes remaining Shadow. Has a C times Shadow expended chance to instantly
kill the enemy. Otherwise deals D damage with a P% chance to deal M times
- C increases
- M increases
- Allows the Assassin to stay in stealth
mode and not expend Shadow if the instant kill fails
- Allows the Assassin to stay in stealth
mode and not expend Shadow if the instant kill succeeds.
Shadowsense: No target. Usable in and out of stealth,
and depletes S Shadow. Reveals the locations and types (but not champion
status) of monsters within R spaces of the Assassin (going through walls and
all other obstacles) for T turns. S=5, R=15, T=2
- R increases (+5)
- T increases (+2, +2)
- Distinguishes between elite monsters and normal monsters
- Detects treasure (chest, keys, runes, and switches)
Shadowstrike: Targets a revealed empty tile that is
adjacent to an enemy, and within R times Shadow remaining spaces of the
Assassin. Ignores normal line-of-sight rules for ranged abilities. Usable only
from stealth mode, and depletes remaining Shadow. Teleports the Assassin to the
tile, and deals D damage to a random enemy adjacent to the tile. R=.3, D=7.
- D increases (+1, +1)
- Gains the critical chance and multiplier of Stab.
- R increases (+0.1)
- In addition to dealing D damage to one random enemy
adjacent to the tile, also deals D/2 damage to all other enemies adjacent
to the tile.
The Wizard’s abilities are powered by Mana. He starts with a
full Mana supply that regenerates at a rate of 1/turn.
The Wizard teleports when moving, allowing him to pass
through obstacles and monsters. The Wizard can only teleport to tiles that are
within party vision (and his movement radius). If the Wizard attempts to
teleport to a tile occupied by a hidden monster, the teleport fails entirely
and he doesn’t move at all (but the monster is revealed).
Health: 30, +3/lvl
Speed: 7
Vision: 6
Starting Mana: 20
Maximum Mana: 20
- Wand: +Damage all spells (initial 0, three +1
upgrades (includes Ice Bolt and Pull (on enemies)))
- Robe: +% Chance 1 extra mana on kill (initial 10%,
three +5% upgrades)
- Ring: +Chance to stun slimes (initial 25%, three
+10% upgrades)
Zap: Targets an enemy unit within R spaces. Costs M
Mana, and deals D damage. R=4, M=2, D=6
- R increases (+2, +2)
- D increases (+1, +1)
- Gains a chain effect: Has a C% chance to choose a second
enemy target within R spaces of the first, and deal D damage to that
target as well. (C=50%)
Ice Bolt: Targets an enemy unit within R spaces.
Costs M Mana, and stuns non-elites for 1 turn. Does not work on elites. R=4,
Also deals D damage (D=2, D=4)
Has a C% chance to stun for 1 extra turn (C=50)
R increases (+2)
When stunned by Ice Bolt, the unit is encased in ice, and becomes
an impassable, impenetrable object to all units.
Fireball: Targets a tile within R spaces. Costs M
Mana, and deals D damage to all units in a 5-tile cross centered at the target.
R=4, M=6. D=7.
- D increases (+1)
- Area increases to 3x3
- Area increases to 13 tile diamond
- R increases (+2, +2)
Pull: Targets a unit (enemy or allied) within R
Spaces. Costs M Mana, and pulls the unit up to P spaces towards the caster,
following normal movement rules, getting stopped by obstacles. R=8, M=1, P=4
- R increases (+4)
- P increases (+4)
- Pulled units teleport (and thus bypass obstacles). Also
ignores normal line-of-sight rules for ranged abilites. (T)
- Pulled enemies take D damage (D=3, D=6)
Invisibility: Targets an allied unit within R spaces.
Costs M Mana, and grants the unit stealth for 1 turn, following the usual rules
(but not depleting shadow). The Assassin stays in stealth mode after
Invisibility has expired. R=4, M=2
- R increases (+3, +3)
- AOE increases to 3x3
- Invisible units get S bonus speed (+1, +1)
The Summoner’s abilities are powered by Souls. When the
party defeats a monster, the Summoner gains some number of normal souls or dire
souls depending on the strength of the monster. In order to summon a creature,
she must expend a certain number of normal souls. Each summon type has a
maximum number allowed summoned at one time. If the Summoner attempts to summon
past this limit, the oldest summon of that type is destroyed.
Summons move at the beginning of the player turn. Thus,
summons do not act the turn that they are summoned. Summons all have a duration
in turns – this counts the number of turns that they get to act. So a summon
with duration 3 will disappear after having taken a turn 3 times, so 4 turns
after it was summoned.
She can also upgrade an existing summon to a dire version by
expending a dire soul. Dire versions of summons are stronger and have extra
abilities. To upgrade, the Summoner summons as normal, but chooses an existing
summoned creature as the target. Dire summons count against the normal limit
for a summon type, but reset the duration timer.
The Summoner can detect monster spawns in the dungeon. She
detects when a spawn occurs, and which room or hall the spawn occurred in (if
it occurs in a revealed room or hall), but not the exact location of identity
of the spawn.
Health: 40, +4/lvl
Speed: 7
Vision: 6
Starting Souls: 4 standard, 2 dire
Maximum Souls: 20 of each
- Orb: +Health all Summons (initial 0, three +2
- Amulet: +% Chance of Dire Soul instead of normal
Soul (initial 0%, three +5% upgrades)
- Shawl: +% Chance to counter (prevent) a
Necromancer summoning a skeleton within 7 tiles of the Summoner.
(initial 30%, three +10% upgrades).
Doom Scarab: Targets a revealed tile
within R spaces (ignores normal line of sight rules for ranged abilities).
Costs no Souls. Summons a Scarab adjacent to the caster that moves M spaces a
turn, lasts for T turns, and is destroyed when it reaches the target. If the
targeted tile is an enemy, it tracks that enemy if the enemy moves. Otherwise,
it moves only to the targeted tile. It moves through (but can’t cohabit with)
allied units, avoids dungeon obstacles to get to its destination, but does not
avoid or navigate around enemies. If it runs into an enemy, it does D damage to
that enemy. If it reaches its target tile, or after T turns, if it has not yet
hit an enemy, it is destroyed at the end of the player turn. R=8, M=4, T=3, D=4
- D increases (+1)
- M increases (+1, +1)
- Scarabs explode when destroyed, dealing B damage to
adjacent enemies. (B=2)
- Scarabs fly (can pass through and occupy unwalkable tiles)
Magic Wall: Targets an empty tile within R spaces (or
any existing Magic Wall for the Magic Tower upgrade). Spend S souls to create a
Magic Wall at that tile that lasts T turns. During the monster turn, Magic
Walls are treated as immobile units that are impenetrable and impassable.
During the player turn, Magic Walls are treated as passable, penetrable spaces.
If any unit is occupying a Magic Wall’s tile at the start of the monster turn,
the wall is destroyed. Limit N walls out at once. S=1, T=3, N=3.
Magic Wall: Has H health. H=10
Magic Tower: Has X times H health. Deals Y
damage to one random enemy within Z spaces (of one of the tiles, if the tower
has the area upgrade) each turn. X=2,Y=7, Z=3
- T increases (+2)
- H increase (+5)
- Wall deals D damage to its melee attackers. (D=2, D=4)
- Wall gain the Sentinel ability: once a turn, a wall has a
Sledge Monkey: Targets an empty tile adjacent to the
Summoner (or any existing Sledge Monkey for the Megaton Monkey upgrade). Spend
S souls to create a Sledge Monkey that seeks out and attacks enemies. Limit 1
Monkey out at a time. Lasts T turns. S=2, T=3.
Sledge Monkey: Has H health, V speed, and deals D
damage to an adjacent enemy each turn. H=8, V=6, D=4
Megaton Monkey: Has X times H health. Has V +
Y speed. Deals Z plus D damage to the 5 tile area centered at an adjacent tile.
X=2, Y=2, Z=4.
- T increases (+1)
- D increases (+1, +1)
- V increase (+2)
- H increases (+3)
Roving Eye: Targets any tile (or an existing Roving
Eye for the Evil Eye upgrade). Summons a flying Roving Eye that attempts to
navigate to the target. Lasts T turns, and costs S souls. If it reaches the
target, it stays there until its duration has elapsed. The Eye is invisible,
but can be revealed like any stealthed unit. No limit for Eyes out. S=1, T=4
Roving Eye: Has H health, V speed and E
vision. H=5, V=8, E=10
Evil Eye: Has H health, 0 Speed, and infinite
vision. Detects stealthed units. Is destroyed at the end of the turn, dealing D
damage to all enemies in a 5x5 area centered at the eye. D=10
- T increases (+2)
- E increases (to infinity)
- V increases (+4)
- Eye Vision persists B bonus turns after death (B=2, B=4)
Living Tree: Targets an empty tile within R spaces
(or an existing Living Tree for the Ancient Tree upgrade). Summons an immobile
tree that lasts for T turns, costs S souls, and heals nearby allies. Limit 1
Tree out at a time. S=4, T=2
Living Tree: Has H health, and does L healing
to all allies in the 3x3 area centered at the tree each turn. H=10, L=3.
Ancient Tree: Has X times H health, does L + Y
healing to all allies in the 5x5 area centered at the tree each turn, and has a
P% chance to stun any enemy in that 5x5 area for 1 turn. X=2, Y=1, P=25%
- H increases (+10)
- B bonus total health healed each turn, distributed
randomly amongst allies in AOE (B=1, B=2)
- Tree gains a C% chance to stun its attackers for 1 turn.
- Tree gains a teleport speed of V, and attempts to move to
heal as much as possible. V=5